
Friday 5 July 2019

Progress Report 186.19.M3. Orlock Gang

Orlock gang for Necromunda. These were completed last year. Quite enjoyed painting these (more so than the Escher).

All figures are from the basic box set, the only conversion being I shaved the hair off one of them. I hadn't actually read the rules when I started building these so I was building the figures how I wanted without actually thinking of gang composition. I was about halfway through them when I realised I needed more autoguns!

The Leader

Champions or Gangers with Big Guns (Harpoon and Heavy Stubber)

Gangers (Auto-shotguns and Auto guns)

Juves or Gangers with little guns (pistols!)

I gave each a black loincloth/breechclout as a Gang identifier.  The colours for each model were chosen on a whim. Most of the time to experiment with the Vallejo Model Colour range. The black breechclout and clothing was done using Scale 75 set.

Looking forward to adding to this gang in the near future.

The Emperor Protects.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Progress Report 183.19.M3. Blood Angel Intercessor's

Finally completed the last Intercessor Sergeant from the Dark Imperium box.

Now he can join his Squad mates...(Squad One)

Squad Two...


No real conversions on these other than adding skulls, purity seals etc to bulk them out a little. The application of battle damage has changed from the first five (Squad Two) to the last five.

On the first ones I made more use of oils to add dirt and battle grime with only a small amount of scratches. By the time I got to Squad One I had kind of reversed the process and gone from  base coating them with Hull Red to Steel. 

I also ad libbed with markings. Deciding to keep only Chapter and Company markings. I wanted to try and give each one a touch of individuality but also keeping them as a whole.  

I'm not totally convinced with the severed head on the backpack of the battle brother in Squad Two. I need to add something more or remove it maybe? Anyway I'll have a think on that one. 

So over all about 18 months to get these completed.

The Emperor Protects.