
Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Progress Report 114.19.M3

Lots of work on the third module.

The idea was too make it look like the floor had collapsed leaving a thin lip and the original floor sunken to the bottom. The rock walls have been carved from 10mm blue foam. In places I had to add DAS clay due to minor mishap. I put detritus around the edges to represent rock fall and used PVA to glue it down. To make sure this stuck a then used MIG Ammo Sand and Gravel glue. Unfortunately in places this glue melted the foam. So it little bit of back filling was required but otherwise it did leave some natural looking shapes.

A few damaged pipes were added from bits of left over plastic tube and a few bits of jewellery wire stuck into add a bit of interest. On the top walls above what's left of the floor I used Vallejo White Stucco which gives a very good finish. Applied with a spatula and much easier to control than using a cheaper alternative such as wall filler.

I'm thinking of adding terrain to this board. To give myself an idea of what it would look like a few pieces from the Ryza STC ruins have been placed. My intention with these modules was to leave the central parts free to place scatter terrain. So I'm not totally sold on the idea of permanently fixing the terrain.

It is the right height though or just about.

Ideally to make it look truly caved in I should have varied the height and angles of the floor but time and playability took over. Any way painted black ready for the first coats of paint.

The Emperor Protects


  1. Your Underhive modules are looking great so far. I really like the Idea of the collapsed floor and think the ruins work pretty well. But I can understand not fixing them to have more options for scatter terrain and modular pieces.

    Great work and I'm looking forward to see more of this.
    Best regards!

    1. Thanks so much. Really enjoying building them.
