
Friday, 26 April 2019

Progress Report 116.19.M3

Third module complete.

Was conservative on colour palette which saved time. I find more and more that I use the same colours on different areas then put a wash or glaze/filter on the module to give a slightly different impression. I like to build the colour up in 'highlights' to try and blend the colours on top of each so a wash when applied pulls them altogether. As it should! I never soak the area with a wash but paint it on so any excess is removed before application. So for my own record;

Airbrushed Tamiya Neutal Grey
      "            Vallejo Air Concrete
      "            Vallejo Air Light Grey Green
Wash GW Seraphim Sepia

Rock Walls

Airbrush Tamiya Neutral Grey
      "        Tamiya NATO Brown (patches)
      "        Tamiya Deck Tan (patches)
Brush GW Seraphim Sepia (patches)
Brush Vallejo Tan Glaze (all)

Rockcrete Walls

Airbrush Tamiya NATO Brown
      "        Tamiya Deck Tan
      "        Vallejo Air Aged White
      "        Vallejo Air Light Brown (restricted to top and bottom of walls)
Brush Vallejo Tan Glaze

The detritus on the floor also received a drybrush of Vallejo Panzer Aces Light Mud.

I need to add a few bits of terrain for this piece but otherwise it's 99% complete.

To give an idea of the depth an Escher and Orlock ganger face off!

On to Module four. Which will be more involved  if my plans work out!

The Emperor Protects.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Progress Report 114.19.M3

Lots of work on the third module.

The idea was too make it look like the floor had collapsed leaving a thin lip and the original floor sunken to the bottom. The rock walls have been carved from 10mm blue foam. In places I had to add DAS clay due to minor mishap. I put detritus around the edges to represent rock fall and used PVA to glue it down. To make sure this stuck a then used MIG Ammo Sand and Gravel glue. Unfortunately in places this glue melted the foam. So it little bit of back filling was required but otherwise it did leave some natural looking shapes.

A few damaged pipes were added from bits of left over plastic tube and a few bits of jewellery wire stuck into add a bit of interest. On the top walls above what's left of the floor I used Vallejo White Stucco which gives a very good finish. Applied with a spatula and much easier to control than using a cheaper alternative such as wall filler.

I'm thinking of adding terrain to this board. To give myself an idea of what it would look like a few pieces from the Ryza STC ruins have been placed. My intention with these modules was to leave the central parts free to place scatter terrain. So I'm not totally sold on the idea of permanently fixing the terrain.

It is the right height though or just about.

Ideally to make it look truly caved in I should have varied the height and angles of the floor but time and playability took over. Any way painted black ready for the first coats of paint.

The Emperor Protects

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Progress Report 107.19.M3

Blood Angel Intercessor finished (actually a couple of days ago), Quite happy with this one. Painting the red straight over the metallic certainly helped to get the feel for the battle damage. Also meant I did not have to add too much more damage with VMC Dark Rust and VMA Steel.

Used Nuln Oil both gloss and regular versions to add shade/dirt followed by VMC Smoke. I also painted the main body of the bolt rifle in VMA Steel and then added the green then weathered a bit more by feathering the steel along the edges and pulling the brush down. All the gold was painted in Retributor Armour washed with Reikland Flesh Shade and highlighted with VMA Steel. Made for a much quicker job.

The back pack was painted black using the Scale 75 Black and White set. But then I used a brush and sponge to add steel chipping. I then used VMC Black Glaze to dirty the black followed by pin washes of Agrax Earth Shade. For the dirt round the lower legs feet returned to the MIG Abteilung Oils, light Earth and Basic Earth. With a lit bit of Engine Grease in strategic places.  

So I now have only to two Intercessors to do from the Dark Imperium box and then can move onto a different type of marine

Third Escher ganger completed too!

Kept to a simple colour scheme. For the black on the leggings I used Foundry Charcoal Black with a last highlight by mixing VMC Beige Red with the lightest colour of the triad and then using VMC Black Glaze to pull it all together.

Happy with the result.

Also added the floor to Module three. Decided to use cork tile again which has been scored and distressed to represent damaged concrete when painted.

The Emperor Protects.  

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Progress Report 99.19.M3

The latest Blood Angel is nearing completion. Few minor details to complete on the main body and then finish the back pack.

Have used Nuln Oil Gloss and Non-gloss plus VMC Smoke for shading and weathering so far. Once the model is assembled will finish off the weathering with oil paints and pigments.

Also assembled the third module for the Underhive board. Added a 2mm MDF base, since I want to make this one appear as if the floor has collapsed. Lets see how that goes!

I'm going to put a further base over the top of the MDF, just not sure what material to use. Though I have a pretty good idea what I going to fill the space with.

The Emperor Protects

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Progress Report 92.19.M3

More work completed on the next Blood Angel Primaris marine. Decided to try a different approach by airbrushing MIG Ammo Dark Rust over the darker Vallejo Hull Red. Then took it a stage further by airbrushing on the legs only VMA Steel. The idea being I would work scratches into the initial painting and make the red brighter when applied to the new lighter base colours.

Happy with the first results I then applied VMA Steel roughly to the rest on the model via a brush. Not to clear in that photo but on the Marines right leg I worked the red up from VMC Flat Red, vermillion and finally Aramantha Red. Then used VMC Dark Rust (which is much darker red brown than the MIG Ammo Dark Rust which is a more orange brown! Confusing!) for damage followed by VMC Oily Steel and some VMA Steel. Starting to like the Vallejo Model Air Steel with it being brighter than the Oily Steel and should show up more on the model. So still adding further weathering with a brush but working off a steel base cuts out some of the leg work.

The black areas have been painted with VMC Dark Grey. I tend used a dark grey or black grey more for a black base than true black.

Also built and primed the next Escher.

 The Emperor Protects.