Orlock gang for Necromunda. These were completed last year. Quite enjoyed painting these (more so than the Escher).
All figures are from the basic box set, the only conversion being I shaved the hair off one of them. I hadn't actually read the rules when I started building these so I was building the figures how I wanted without actually thinking of gang composition. I was about halfway through them when I realised I needed more autoguns!
The Leader
Champions or Gangers with Big Guns (Harpoon and Heavy Stubber)
Gangers (Auto-shotguns and Auto guns)
Juves or Gangers with little guns (pistols!)
I gave each a black loincloth/breechclout as a Gang identifier. The colours for each model were chosen on a whim. Most of the time to experiment with the Vallejo Model Colour range. The black breechclout and clothing was done using Scale 75 set.
Looking forward to adding to this gang in the near future.
The Emperor Protects.
The Puritanical Heretic
Adventures in the Imperium of Man and Beyond
Friday, 5 July 2019
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Progress Report 183.19.M3. Blood Angel Intercessor's
Finally completed the last Intercessor Sergeant from the Dark Imperium box.
Now he can join his Squad mates...(Squad One)
Squad Two...
No real conversions on these other than adding skulls, purity seals etc to bulk them out a little. The application of battle damage has changed from the first five (Squad Two) to the last five.
On the first ones I made more use of oils to add dirt and battle grime with only a small amount of scratches. By the time I got to Squad One I had kind of reversed the process and gone from base coating them with Hull Red to Steel.
I also ad libbed with markings. Deciding to keep only Chapter and Company markings. I wanted to try and give each one a touch of individuality but also keeping them as a whole.
I'm not totally convinced with the severed head on the backpack of the battle brother in Squad Two. I need to add something more or remove it maybe? Anyway I'll have a think on that one.
So over all about 18 months to get these completed.
The Emperor Protects.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Progress Report 164.1.M3
Busy but been slack posting.
First off Module three completed...
Added the lights and door terminals. Also added a bit of Vallejo snow/foam effect to the pouring water to represent it bubbling/churning on impact.
Built the next Escher ganger...
The flamer comes from the Escher Weapon Set 2 and the head is from the Escher Head Set(!) both from Forge World. I liked the fact she is meant to be smoking a cigar (lho stick!). I pyromaniac smoking seemed to fit and I'm not sure if my memory is jogged from a film/TV show or from a novel...maybe from one of the Gaunt's Ghosts series?
Been distracted by historical projects of late more on those latter.
The Emperor Protects.
First off Module three completed...
Added the lights and door terminals. Also added a bit of Vallejo snow/foam effect to the pouring water to represent it bubbling/churning on impact.
Built the next Escher ganger...
The flamer comes from the Escher Weapon Set 2 and the head is from the Escher Head Set(!) both from Forge World. I liked the fact she is meant to be smoking a cigar (lho stick!). I pyromaniac smoking seemed to fit and I'm not sure if my memory is jogged from a film/TV show or from a novel...maybe from one of the Gaunt's Ghosts series?
Been distracted by historical projects of late more on those latter.
The Emperor Protects.
Monday, 3 June 2019
Progress Report 154.19.M3
Added water effects to module four. In all it took two and a half bottles of Vallejo Still Water.
The first layer a poured the whole bottle into a plastic cup and added approx. 12 drops of VMA Bronze Green. Mixed it together and poured into the module. For some reason I had some separation and darker patches of the mix appeared. Once dry (about three days later) I added a second layer. This time poured about a quarter of the water effects into a plastic cup, added the same amount of paint and added the rest of the Still Water. This mixed much better and went on even.
I also poured some clear fluid onto a piece of plasticard and once dry peeled it off and cut to add to the pipe to represent running water. The stripe was held in place of using more Still Water added via a brush. There are tutorials on line on how to use this stuff which helped greatly.
I then added a third and final layer of Still Water. Not mixed with anything and only used half a bottle which took bout 24hrs to dry. Then added Vallejo Water Effects Transparent Gel to create the ripples and make it look like the water was flowing from the pipe.
Made the doors for this module and module one. Used Wills 00 scale plastic sheets.
These are 'Sheet and Batten Roofing'(grey) and 'Box Profile Corrugated Steel'. Sandwiched between the two sheets is 1mm plasticard with a 15mm lip to help pull the doors out the slots on the boards.
Painted with the same pattern on each side. Weathered by airbrushing on low PSI with MIG Ammo Shadow Rust then Old Rust and then VMA Black. Light drybrush of VMC Oily Steel and finally a little bit of thinned VMC Smoke. The base colour is Tamiya Flat Black, masked off then Tamiya Flat Yellow and finally VMA Medium Yellow.
Four Escher ganger finished.
Posing in front of one of the new doors.
Module four nearly finished except for some finishing touches.
The Emperor Protects.
The first layer a poured the whole bottle into a plastic cup and added approx. 12 drops of VMA Bronze Green. Mixed it together and poured into the module. For some reason I had some separation and darker patches of the mix appeared. Once dry (about three days later) I added a second layer. This time poured about a quarter of the water effects into a plastic cup, added the same amount of paint and added the rest of the Still Water. This mixed much better and went on even.
I also poured some clear fluid onto a piece of plasticard and once dry peeled it off and cut to add to the pipe to represent running water. The stripe was held in place of using more Still Water added via a brush. There are tutorials on line on how to use this stuff which helped greatly.
I then added a third and final layer of Still Water. Not mixed with anything and only used half a bottle which took bout 24hrs to dry. Then added Vallejo Water Effects Transparent Gel to create the ripples and make it look like the water was flowing from the pipe.
Made the doors for this module and module one. Used Wills 00 scale plastic sheets.
These are 'Sheet and Batten Roofing'(grey) and 'Box Profile Corrugated Steel'. Sandwiched between the two sheets is 1mm plasticard with a 15mm lip to help pull the doors out the slots on the boards.
Painted with the same pattern on each side. Weathered by airbrushing on low PSI with MIG Ammo Shadow Rust then Old Rust and then VMA Black. Light drybrush of VMC Oily Steel and finally a little bit of thinned VMC Smoke. The base colour is Tamiya Flat Black, masked off then Tamiya Flat Yellow and finally VMA Medium Yellow.
Four Escher ganger finished.
Posing in front of one of the new doors.
Module four nearly finished except for some finishing touches.
The Emperor Protects.
Sunday, 19 May 2019
Progress Report 139.19.M3
Ticking along nicely with the fourth module. Built the gantries to connect to the central platform.
Kept all nice and simple. But when doing a dry fit found there was a gap between the gantries and platform.
So by capping the ends that problem was sorted.
The whole was given a black undercoat and painting proper began.
Metal areas were given a coat (all by airbrush) of Tamiya Flat Aluminium, followed MIG Ammo Shadow Rust (patches) and finally Tamiya Smoke (patches and low PSI).
The floor and legs of the platforms were airbrushed with Tamiya Deep Green, followed by Tamiya Flat Green and finally Tamiya Yellow Green. But restricted the to edges of the module only with the last colour.
I wanted to give it a worn/dirty appearance with out having to use a lot of techniques particularly sponging on the damage/grime.
I then gave all the metal areas a wash of Seraphim Sepia but by removing most of the wash from the brush so as not to soak the area. The platforms glued in place...
Will probably do some more weathering detail work and have to add a few fixtures and fittings. But coming along nicely. No safety rails on the platforms for playability sake. The walkways are approx. 50mm wide.
Blood Angel given a base coat of Vallejo Steel ready for the red.
The Emperor Protects.
Kept all nice and simple. But when doing a dry fit found there was a gap between the gantries and platform.
So by capping the ends that problem was sorted.
The whole was given a black undercoat and painting proper began.
Metal areas were given a coat (all by airbrush) of Tamiya Flat Aluminium, followed MIG Ammo Shadow Rust (patches) and finally Tamiya Smoke (patches and low PSI).
The floor and legs of the platforms were airbrushed with Tamiya Deep Green, followed by Tamiya Flat Green and finally Tamiya Yellow Green. But restricted the to edges of the module only with the last colour.
I wanted to give it a worn/dirty appearance with out having to use a lot of techniques particularly sponging on the damage/grime.
I then gave all the metal areas a wash of Seraphim Sepia but by removing most of the wash from the brush so as not to soak the area. The platforms glued in place...
Will probably do some more weathering detail work and have to add a few fixtures and fittings. But coming along nicely. No safety rails on the platforms for playability sake. The walkways are approx. 50mm wide.
Blood Angel given a base coat of Vallejo Steel ready for the red.
The Emperor Protects.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Progress Report 137.19.M3
The last of the ten Intercessors from the Dark Millennium box is built and waiting for paint.
Being the second Sergeant decided he needed more skulls. Leading the way in purging the heretic!
I then got side-tracked by starting the fourth module. Again based around the Cave Terra Former from Sally 4th.
Added a 25mm deep polystyrene block the base and used foamncore to add depth to the wall. Moving on slightly...
1mm plasticard and 3.2mm channel added to the walls and doorways reinforced. 1mm MDF added to the floor. Then used DAS clay to seal the edges and the top of the walls. All being well I intend to add gantries running over the floor (hence the scribbling and lines across the MDF). Made a start on those...
A 4" square piece of Darice plastic mesh. Reinforced with plastic U channel and 1mm plasticard underneath. Then added five 20mm long legs to raise it off the ground. This platform I intend to place in the middle of the board,
Started work on two of the connecting gantries.
Also backed this on Kickstarter Black Crab Miniatures 2. Missed the first one but these look great.
Being the second Sergeant decided he needed more skulls. Leading the way in purging the heretic!
I then got side-tracked by starting the fourth module. Again based around the Cave Terra Former from Sally 4th.
Added a 25mm deep polystyrene block the base and used foamncore to add depth to the wall. Moving on slightly...
1mm plasticard and 3.2mm channel added to the walls and doorways reinforced. 1mm MDF added to the floor. Then used DAS clay to seal the edges and the top of the walls. All being well I intend to add gantries running over the floor (hence the scribbling and lines across the MDF). Made a start on those...
A 4" square piece of Darice plastic mesh. Reinforced with plastic U channel and 1mm plasticard underneath. Then added five 20mm long legs to raise it off the ground. This platform I intend to place in the middle of the board,
Started work on two of the connecting gantries.
Also backed this on Kickstarter Black Crab Miniatures 2. Missed the first one but these look great.
The Emperor Protects
Sunday, 12 May 2019
And in Other News (12th May 2019)
I do have another blog running which I stopped using a few months back...say about a year. I was planning on posting back on there but for simplicities sake I intend to post historical and other projects on this 40K blog. They will be kept separate and appear maybe weekly. Of course depending on output.
So first up Vikings!!! A long time a go I bought shed loads of Vikings and Anglo Saxons to play out battles in 9th/10th Century England. Made starts then stopped and so on. The models are all metal Gripping Beast the lovely Colin Pattern sculpts. So recently started tearing the figures off the bases re-undercoating them (yes even if already painted). Read various rule sets and set about painting Danes for the Great Heathen Army.
The figure with the halved painted shield was done a few weeks back the others maybe two years ago. I was planning on using them for DBA/DBMM but has I mentioned above been drowsing rules recently and I have decided to use them for Sword Point from Gripping Beast. So these now look like this (done this week!)
On 40mm square Renedra plastic bases. These are waiting in the wings...
About half of these figures were painted but since my painting style has changed a quick light grey undercoat saw to that. The good thing is I have probably close to another four or five dozen (maybe more) figures cleaned up and ready for painting. They were based so at least I could use an unpainted army (Heresy!!!). Made a start on another figure too...
I don't expect to finish anytime this year with these though.
Keeping with the Barbarian theme. Copplestone Castings 15mm Barabarians for HoTT.
These were based and painted a couple of weeks ago. Based these as Blades and drawing inspiration from Robert E Howards Hyboria. Giving them red hair like the description of the Vanir. Three more started this week.
This project I do want to get done relativity quickly. So lets see how that goes!
Finally my final current project. The 77th Indian Brigade or Chindits. Warlord models sculpted by Paul Hicks I believe. Certainly looks like his excellent work.
The rifle man was completed last week the NCO/Officer with M1 carbine finished this week. I am wondering if the captured katana is a homage to Lieut. George A Cairns VC. Rather than just a way to identify the command figure. Wikipedia Lt. Cairns VC.
One more on the desk ready to go..
Again this will be a slow burn project.
So that's it for this round up of Other News. Quite a productive week. Well done me!
So first up Vikings!!! A long time a go I bought shed loads of Vikings and Anglo Saxons to play out battles in 9th/10th Century England. Made starts then stopped and so on. The models are all metal Gripping Beast the lovely Colin Pattern sculpts. So recently started tearing the figures off the bases re-undercoating them (yes even if already painted). Read various rule sets and set about painting Danes for the Great Heathen Army.
The figure with the halved painted shield was done a few weeks back the others maybe two years ago. I was planning on using them for DBA/DBMM but has I mentioned above been drowsing rules recently and I have decided to use them for Sword Point from Gripping Beast. So these now look like this (done this week!)
On 40mm square Renedra plastic bases. These are waiting in the wings...
About half of these figures were painted but since my painting style has changed a quick light grey undercoat saw to that. The good thing is I have probably close to another four or five dozen (maybe more) figures cleaned up and ready for painting. They were based so at least I could use an unpainted army (Heresy!!!). Made a start on another figure too...
I don't expect to finish anytime this year with these though.
Keeping with the Barbarian theme. Copplestone Castings 15mm Barabarians for HoTT.
These were based and painted a couple of weeks ago. Based these as Blades and drawing inspiration from Robert E Howards Hyboria. Giving them red hair like the description of the Vanir. Three more started this week.
This project I do want to get done relativity quickly. So lets see how that goes!
Finally my final current project. The 77th Indian Brigade or Chindits. Warlord models sculpted by Paul Hicks I believe. Certainly looks like his excellent work.
The rifle man was completed last week the NCO/Officer with M1 carbine finished this week. I am wondering if the captured katana is a homage to Lieut. George A Cairns VC. Rather than just a way to identify the command figure. Wikipedia Lt. Cairns VC.
One more on the desk ready to go..
Again this will be a slow burn project.
So that's it for this round up of Other News. Quite a productive week. Well done me!
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